UnderTheSkin is back...with a vengance and with new hosts!
After a nearly three month hiatus, DoctorNick and CerebroJD (otherwise known as Nick Quaranto and Justin Dowell) have stepped up to the plate and are the new hosts of the UnderTheSkin podcast. The infamous Paul Boyer (Mormegil) joins us to pass the torch and rant about skins as well.
In this episode we discuss the upcoming GUI Championships and what the third contest might have in store for the skinning community. New wizops and skin libraries are revealed, along with the Apogee pack made by Paul himself. We also look at in depth at quite a few skins from the past week or so.
So have a listen to the new guys!

It's a bit rough around the edges, but I think you'll find it enjoyable

If you'd like to call in with questions send an email to UnderTheSkin@gmail.com and we'll figure things out. And just to warn you, we made up for the lost time with the length of this show

Listen to the podcast here:
Show Notes and Links:
UTS Episode 4 Show Notes