'cuse me while I whip this out...*AHHH!* [/Blazing Saddles]
Yes folks, I'm the new moderator of the Internet forum. What's in store? A lot of new conversation topics and some definite fun ones as well. I'm going to have some tutorials in the works so WinCustomize users can learn how to get more out of their site and their subscriptions...I think a Firefox tutorial will be in store first, for beginners and powerusers who want to beef up and trick out their browser. If you ever see any interesting links, etc, feel free to post them in, Digg-style. Random stuff is ok for the forum, it needs some life and we need some different opinions on the information that roams the tangled world wide web.
I'd also love to see how fast everyone's connections are, etc, so I can complain how spotty Adelphia's cable is at times.

I'll also make sure the tumbleweeds and spam keep on rolling by since this particular forum has a definite attraction to strange scams and sites that no one wants to know about.
Feel free to email me (check my profile) if you have any questions at all, and as always I'm usually lurking around the Stardock IRC's many chat channels if you prefer instant communication and/or multiplayer Notepad.